Brockhaus Conversations-Lexikon oder kurzgefaßtes Handwörterbuch |
Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus |
1809-1811 |
8 |
First edition of Brockhaus general encyclopedia: 6 volumes + 2 supplements. |
6,960 |
1,186,000 |
Brockhaus Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon |
Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus |
1837-1841 |
4 |
Illustrated general encyclopedia covering everyday subjects in a non-scientific way. |
7,049 |
2,604,000 |
Brockhaus Kleines Konversations-Lexikon |
Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus |
1911 |
2 |
General, pocketbook edition encyclopedia. |
82,780 |
2,434,000 |
Damen Conversations Lexikon |
Carl Herloßsohn |
1834-1838 |
10 |
General encyclopedia explicitly marketed for middle-class women. |
7,099 |
1,461,000 |
Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon |
Benjamin Hederich |
1770 |
1 |
Encyclopedia of mythology, addressed to scholars and artists. |
6,430 |
832,000 |
Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe |
Rudolf Eisler |
1904 |
2 |
Dictionary of philosophical terms. |
3,646 |
845,000 |
Philosophen-Lexikon |
Rudolf Eisler |
1912 |
1 |
Encyclopedia of influential philosophers. |
2,839 |
396,000 |
Reallexicon der Deutschen Altertümer |
Ernst Götzinger |
1885 |
1 |
Specialist encyclopedia on the cultural history of the German people. |
948 |
519,000 |
Herders Conversations-Lexikon |
Raphael Herder, Benjamin Herder |
1854-1857 |
5 |
General encyclopedia with short explanations of various topics. |
39,755 |
2,256,000 |
Vollständiges Materialien-Lexicon |
Nicholas Lemery |
1721 |
1 |
Encyclopedia of materials science. Intended for doctors, pharmacists, etc., but also for the general population. |
1,769 |
495,000 |
Lexikon der gesamten Technik |
Otto Lueger |
1904-1920 |
10 |
Specialist encyclopedia of technical terms in engineering and sciences. |
23,465 |
5,246,000 |
Wörterbuch der Philosophie |
Fritz Mauthner |
1923 |
3 |
Dictionary of philosophical terms. |
214 |
537,000 |
Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon |
Joseph Meyer |
1905-1909 |
20 |
Comprehensive general encyclopedia for the general population. |
156,264 |
17,437,000 |
Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens |
Viktor von Röll |
1912-1923 |
10 |
Encyclopedia of the railway industry. |
3,067 |
2,662,000 |
Allgemeine Theorie der Schönen Künste |
Johann Georg Sulzer |
1771-1774 |
2 |
Encyclopedia of fine arts. |
854 |
816,000 |
Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon |
J. E. Stadler, F. J. Heim und J. N. Ginal |
1858-1882 |
5 |
Biographies of saints of the Catholic Church. |
33,481 |
3,095,000 |
Deutsche Buchhändler. Deutsche Buchdrucker |
Rudolf Schmidt |
1902-1908 |
6 |
Encyclopedia of the history of German booksellers and book printers. |
567 |
380,000 |
Wörterbuch der Mythologie |
Wilhelm Vollmer |
1874 |
1 |
Dictionary of mythological terms and their development in different cultures. |
7,078 |
479,000 |
Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Ärzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts |
J. Pagel |
1901 |
1 |
Biographical encyclopedia of doctors of the 19th century. |
2,909 |
528,000 |
Lexikon deutscher Frauen der Feder |
Sophie Pataky |
1898 |
2 |
Biographical encyclopedia of female, German authors. |
6,907 |
503,000 |
Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon |
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander |
1867-1880 |
5 |
Dictionary of German proverbs. |
25,762 |
5,242,000 |